As a fully registered member you can:
- obtain a temporary hive or apartment that can be used until you’re ready to move out
- build your own custom hive
- can gain flight (Yellow) and/or underwater breathing (Violet)
- can see in the dark
- gain exclusive commands
- receive VIP Points in the race for VIP Membership and spend VIP Points in the VIP Point Shop
- submit multiple characters between two different races and rotate between them for role playing
- join our Skype group conversations for voting, discussions, and early resource pack updates
- join our TeamSpeak3 server to chat with our members (need headphones and microphone)
- participate in official role play events
- participate in Coffer Wars
- buy and sell stuff in-game
- create an au within the server with your own set of rules and lore

Becoming a member of our community is somewhat of a tedious process but, as many of our current members suggest, is well worth the time and effort. The following is what we're going to cover, and it may take a while to get through all of this as a lot of reading is involved. You can take your time joining, bookmarking your place, or you can ensure you have food and drink with you as you attempt it all in one sitting. It's up to you. Don't stress yourself out over joining us, as we'll be here when you wake up in the next morning and if you make a mistake on your application, we'll send you a message to let you know what went wrong so you can make the proper modifications.

Prepare Your Character
1. Terms of Service
2. Server Preperation
3. The Races of Nouva (Guidelines/Lore)
4. Frequently Asked Questions

5. Joining Our Website
6. Character References
7. How to Use Our Form Codes
8. Application Forms
9. Strifing Profiles

Wait and Discuss
10. Declination and Acceptance

Getting on to Our Server
11. Exploring Our Website

Once you're ready to begin, click the button below.