Gender: Male Dwelling: Sea Dweller Sweeps: 8 Height: 5'8"
Matesprit: Kismesis: Moirail: Auspistice:
Interests and Activities: Adventuring - He wants to know about his surroundings and environment. Sunken Ships - There's always something to scavenge from an old sunken ship, for example, shiny treasure. He's careful to watch his surroundings when on one of these expeditions.
Abilities: Underwater Breathing
Personality: Caiden is a very ambitious troll, working hard to reach his goals. He is confident due to his high caste and strives to keep a good reputation. Keeping up his image makes him keep up his apperance, more often then not, his hair. He is vigilant as well, watching for the slightest sign of a threat. But due to his vagueness with words, he comes off as either aloof or detached.